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10 Facts About Small Cats

 10 information about kittens

Kittens to breastfeed from their mother during the first 24-48 hours after birth; To ensure obtaining colostrum milk, which includes in its composition the antibodies necessary to build the immune system of cats. And in the event that the young are unable to breastfeed from their mother, they can be compensated for that by injecting them under the skin with a serum taken from an adult cat that has been vaccinated and in good health. As for feeding the young through the bottle, the correct position must be taken into account for that by placing it on her stomach in a way that simulates the breastfeeding position, in addition to monitoring her access to the correct nutrition by following up her weekly and monthly weight gain. Newborn cats can gain weight at an average of 113.4 g per week, and at a rate of 454 g per month during the first six months of their life.


Kitten ear

The cat's ear has many advantages, as it is the best way to maintain balance, and it can hear low or high sound frequencies, which humans cannot hear, in addition to that it has about 32 muscles that allow its freedom of movement and help locate prey.


Kittens crying

Cats are similar in their behavior and actions to the actions of young children. Therefore, when they feel hungry, they will cry in response to this. They can also cry if there is a large separation between one meal and the next, and you can easily identify the reason for their crying in this case.


When do cats start drinking water?

When do cats start drinking water?

The weaning process is not only about eating solid food, but also about the most important prelude to drinking water, in order to maintain good health and vitality, and accordingly, as soon as they reach the age of four weeks, start eating solid foods for cats, and stay away from mother’s milk, from It is very important that you always provide her with a bowl of clean water that she can access.


When do you start walking?

When do cats start walking?

Kittens begin to stand after ten days, while walking begins at the age of three weeks, but they do so accompanied by the mother and under her observation.


deciduous teeth

Newborn kittens begin to have milk teeth at the age of three weeks.

These teeth are very weak and can be used to eat soft or dry food for young children only.

When they reach the age of 14 weeks, their teeth begin to fall out.

The fall of cats' teeth and fangs at the fourth month of their life is normal because they begin to replace teeth and the appearance of permanent teeth, as well as fangs.

By the time they reach the age of 6 months, they will have replaced all their teeth.


the senses

Cats can neither hear nor see

Born without the sense of hearing or sight, this information is known to cat breeders of all kinds.

Newborns have closed auditory canals as well as closed, non-functioning eyes.

Then, after one to two weeks, the infant's eyes begin to open, and the newborn begins to see for the first time in her life.

While for the sense of hearing, after birth, you begin to hear from the tenth to the fourteenth day.

Therefore, after two weeks, we can say that all of the cat's senses are working well, and we can test them.

They are born with blue eyes in all shades, and then the pupils begin to color after the eighth week of age.


How to play cats

She can be manipulated in more than one way, taking care not to harass her or pressure her by playing with her against her will. Among these methods are:

She likes to put your hand on her head or on her forehead and wipe it, as this is one of her favorite movements.

Back massage, while avoiding abdominal massage, because it is an area that feels tight when touched or pressed.

Massaging the neck or cheek with wiping on it is also popular with many cats.

She can get used to being the only one in the house, loves to play, can amuse herself, and also loves to play with the young children at home.

She prefers to play with balls and balls, as well as anything that can create imagination on the walls, such as lasers.


Learn to pigeons

Kittens and learning to go to the bathroom

Most of them learn from their mothers how to use the litter box at a young age, but a recently adopted stray may not know how to use it. She usually starts entering the bathroom when she begins to learn to eat, starting from the age of one month, so the cat must be trained on the cat litter after each meal.


Feeding newborn kittens

Feed the kittens

In the first four weeks of her life, a newborn feeds on her mother's milk only, and in the event that the young are brought to be raised at home without their mother. It is necessary to consult a veterinarian or a specialized and experienced shelter with these cute creatures to work on bringing in a large cat that can breastfeed the young and take care of them instead of their mother. In the event that this is not possible, the veterinarian should be asked about the correct way to prepare milk for the young and how to breastfeed them. You should also avoid bringing cow’s milk to cats of any age. It is not easily digestible and may cause diarrhea in cats.

Newborn kittens and heat

Kittens and heat

She cannot adjust her body temperature, so you have to take care of warming her well, especially in the first two weeks of her life if she is without the mother. You can warm her with a mattress that is placed under the cat, and it is better if it is wool.

The ideal temperature for kittens after birth is around 32°C, at a humidity of 55%.


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